The Project

  • +  Automation
  • +  Provisioning
  • +  Visibility
  • +  Control
  • +  Self-Reliability
  • +  High-Availability

The Challenge

  1. Jenkins Scalp: Go through Pipelines, Determine Imperative/Declarative, Implement Dynamic Parallel Pipelines, Define Delivery, UI testing.
  2. Python Automation: Create appropriate environment, get all keys and apis, whatever crucial information is needed to put up an end-to-end pipeline.
  3. Grafana Insights: Define relevant data, queries and how to create a high-level view of a complex micro-service architecture.
  4. Ansible doneright: Create Playbooks with all implied tricks.
  5. Openshift Customization: Implement automated and templated resource control system for kubernetes based services via Amdocs Custom Operator. Handle Resources for Dev & QA Teams, both in-house and on-prem; Support R&D for Both OCP3 and OCP4 Clusters, as of 20 each, including about 30-60 environnements per cluster and 160-300 pods per environnements, all having to fluidly work automatedly, Used Logstach & Kibana to seek deeper into logs.
  6. Helm Templating: Create Templates with custom Resource Definition, Values & Functions. Added the use of Helm3 to the teams.
  7. Nexus Administration: Create Proxies from Remote On-Prem Servers to Ours, Automate Nexus Artifact Versioning.
  8. Couchbase Administration: Administrate Couchbase VMs, Define Bucket Limits, Memory Allocations, Index Creations, User Management, Checking FS Storage.
  9. Kafka Administration: Administrate Apache Kafka VMs, Partitioning Topics, Cleaning Topics, Managing FS Storage, Parsing through Logs.
  10. PostgreSQL Administration: Administrate PostgreSQL VMs, FS, Stat Activities, Max Connections and Shared Buffers handling.

The Stack

› Grafana

› Helm

› Jenkins

› PostgreSQL

› Python

› Ansible

› Openshift

› Couchbase

› Kafka