The Project

  • +  Automation
  • +  Customization
  • +  Visibility
  • +  Control
  • +  Security

The Challenge

  1. Python Automation: Kubernetes Templating with Python3, Boto3 for automated AWS configuration.
  2. Grafana Insights: Define relevant data, queries and how to create a high-level view of a complex micro-service architecture.
  3. Openshift Customization: Implement automated and templated resource control system for kubernetes based services via PlainID Custom Operator. Create RBAC (Roles and RoleBindings) on each user types for each regions.
  4. Turbo Monitoring: Create Alerts for Alertmanager and add it to Grafana. Add Kubernetes Sidecar ServiceMonitor for each service (Redis, Nginx, Kong, Consul, Vault, Prometheus, Alertmanager, PostgreSQL)

The Stack

› Grafana

› Amazon Web Services

› Prometheus

› PostgreSQL

› Python

› Openshift